What to do when a child goes to kindergarten

In the first few days, the child comes to kindergarten for just a couple of hours. Most often it is walking time or the first half of the day. Such a schedule helps the kid to get acquainted with the group and educators. Gradually, the time of the baby's stay in the garden increases. Do not forget that even if the child easily adapts to the garden, you can not immediately leave it for a full day. It can take from two to three months for a baby to fully adapt in kindergarten.
Motivation to visit the garden
In order for the child to have no difficulty waking up early in the morning, I wanted to get ready in the morning and go to kindergarten, it is necessary to come up with a reason for visiting the garden. For example, show off a new toy to friends, say hello to animals in a corner of nature or play with a doll that is in the group.
At first, only parents should take the baby to the garden. It is impossible to transfer this responsibility to a grandmother or a nanny, since visiting a kindergarten for a child is a great stress. To simplify the farewell, you should come up with a daily recurring ritual, for example, a kiss on the cheek or a handshake.
It is necessary to meet a child from kindergarten with a good mood. It is not necessary to discuss the behavior of the child with the educator if he can hear. It is better to ask this quietly in private so that the baby does not know about the parents' concern.
We must not forget about the praise. Parents should praise the child for his achievements in kindergarten. These can be drawings or crafts, successes in the classroom or successfully completed duty in the dining room. The child should feel support from mom and dad, know about their interest in his life.
There is no way you can threaten a child with being left in kindergarten, this can color a visit to the garden in a negative light. In addition, it is not necessary to discuss the disadvantages or disadvantages of a particular garden with a child.
General recommendations
During the period of getting used to the garden, parents should pay a lot of attention to the child at home. On weekdays, the family should have dinner in full. On weekends, you can cook your child his favorite food.
Parents should listen to the child with interest and ask questions about his day when they pick him up from kindergarten. Such an activity will not only show the interest of mom or dad in the child, but also help the development of the baby's speech skills.
Parents should keep in touch with kindergarten teachers. It is necessary to find out how the child behaves during the day. This information is useful for parents, as it reveals the child from a new side – in a team, the baby behaves completely differently from at home or in the yard. It is also worth sharing information about the behavior of the baby in the family, as this will help the educator to find an approach to the child.
Kindergarten clothes should be chosen with careful attention. There should be no clothes with small buttons and laces among it, since it will be difficult for the child to cope with it on his own. To facilitate the process of putting on, you can pay attention to clothes with a different appearance from the front and back. It is worth giving your preference to cotton or woolen clothing, and do not use synthetic fabrics. kiev.natashaescort.com